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    Every single year I miss the Lilacs. Every. Single. Year. I’m not sure I’ve ever caught them before they’ve gone brown, and that is a downright criminal offence for someone who likes nature as much as I do. It’s a real shame, too, considering us inhabitants of the Hamilton/Burlington area live right around the corner from one of the largest collections of lilacs in North America!

    First things first, I simply must clarify: They bloom in MAY. I am writing this a month in advance, snow outside my window, so that both you and I have AMPLE reminder. I refuse to miss them again!

    If you are like me and have never caught them in full bloom, or were perhaps unaware of the lilac dell entirely, then let me fill you in on everything you’ve been missing. At the Royal Botanical Garden’s Arboretum is the lilac dell. It's a hill covered in hundreds of lilac bushes in dozens and dozens of different cultivars. The place is so dense with flowers that the smell of lilacs passively fills the air, even if you aren't particularly close to one. The usually green field is filled with pink, white, purple, and, well, lilac, for one month of the year. It's spectacular. The RBG has one of the largest and most diverse lilac collections in the entire WORLD.

    Though, while you’re waiting for purple-time, don’t sleep on some of the lovely sights April has to offer. April is usually when magnolia, dogwood, and cherry trees start to bloom. Those can all be found at the RBG, but also keep an eye out in your own neighbourhood! All three grow in the wild here in southern Ontario, but lots of houses have ornamental magnolias or cherry trees. If you want to stay up-to-date with the local wildlife, I recently found out that the RBG website has a “What’s in Bloom” page where you can search by season or month! It's mostly catered to their gardens specifically, but it's still a really helpful tool! 

    In conclusion: be better than me.  Do NOT miss the Lilacs this year.  They are more than worth your while.

- GW